Public Policy Planning & Consulting Co. (SEISAKU-KOUBOU) is a public policy consulting firm based in Tokyo, covering broad policy areas such as economic policy, fiscal policy, regulatory policy, administrative reform, international trade and investment, etc.
PPPC provides consulting and briefing services to the clients in the central/local governments, Diet, local assemblies and the private sector.

This blog is aimed at providing general information, latest updates and some of our analytical reports about Japan's public policy in English.
The contents include;
- updates on some important government councils, especially those in which our executive officers serve as the members,
- weekly reports on latest news in Nagata-cho, the political center in Japan, (partially).
- analytical reports and articles by our members and distinguished experts outside the firm,(partially).


Amakudari in Tokyo Metropolitan Government

* Written by Eiji HARA, PPPC President

 When we speak of amakudari, we tend to turn attentions toward the
issue in the central government ministries. But similar phenomena do
exist in the local governments. The issues are often said to be
particularly serious in Tokyo, to the extent more serious than in the
central government.

Actually, looking at data,
Most of reemployment of executive officials (higher than
  director-level) of Tokyo metropolitan government are undertaken by
  the affiliated organizations (for the past one year, among 160
  officials, 32 were reemployed by supervised organizations, 16 by
  reported organizations, and 39 were recruited by public-interest
On the contrary, among 1,122 retired high officials (higher than
  director-level) of the central government ministries for the past
  one year, many found reemployments in private companies or started
  their own businesses, and the proportion of reemployment in public
  corporations and independent administrative agencies is rather small.

 In the background of such gaps, there are differences in the
regulations over amakudari between the central and local governments.

 In the central government, the first Abe administration in 2007
passed into legislation the revision to the national public service
act and the following regulations were taken into effect.
Prohibition on mediation for reemployment
Restriction on job-application activities, prohibition on lobbying
  after being reemployed
Monitoring by the Reemployment Oversight Committee

 Subsequently, there were emasculation or adverse-reforms such as
Basic Guideline for Retirement Management (expansion of dispatch of
  incumbent officials)
Late-start of the Reemployment Oversight Committee,
However, the regulations do exist in the central government after all.

 On the other hand, as for the local government employees, the bill to
revise the local public service act entailing the following measures
was proposed in the same year 2007, but the bill was dropped without
being deliberated.
Measures to ensure that the local governments implement fair
  management on retirement.
Prohibition on lobbying after being reemployed

 There have been no legislative discussions on the local public
service act with regard to regulation over amakudari thereafter.

 During the time, there was an introduction of regulation which
basically prohibits reemployment of officials in affiliated
organizations through legislation of Basic Ordinance on Employees
in Osaka city and prefectural governments. However, there are no such
restrictions in any other local governments including Tokyo.

 Unfortunately, the candidates for the February 9 Tokyo gubernatorial
election seem to have relatively low interests on such issues at the
current moment.

 In essence, it is hoped that new governor of Tokyo metropolitan
government will tackle with issues relating with dark parts of the
existing structures of administration irrespective of past practices.
It is highly expected that a new Tokyo governor will cope with such issues.

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